Knowing the history of mathematics makes the students to appreciate the development and process of mankind over the years. They will be pleased to know how the earlier mathematicians tried for years with patience and perseverance and discovered mathematical facts. Particularly this video deals about the contribution of Aryabhatta in mathematics.
Mathematics is a manmade science. By having the historical knowledge, the teacher can teach dynamically and introduce mathematics terms, concepts and conventions effectively. History of mathematics can promote of research and inspire students towards new inventions. Particularly this video deals about the contribution of Brahmgupta in mathematics.
Historical knowledge of mathematics will help the students desist from investigating and unresolved problem by the same method that has led other mathematicians to failure. They can choose an alternate method. History of mathematics will help the students to adopt successful methods and avoid unwanted procedures; thereby one can save time and energy. This video deals about the contribution of Bhaskaracharya in mathematics.
History of mathematics can play a significant role in the design of curriculum. A survey of events in research could lead to suggestions for new topics to be introduced. History of mathematics will help the students to adopt successful methods and avoid unwanted procedures; thereby one can save time and energy. This video deals about the contribution of Ramanujan in mathematics.
Historical knowledge of mathematics can broaden the outlook, enrich minds, and motivate the learner to contribute something toward the development of mathematics. It helps to avoid compartmentalization on teaching and encourages reading and other desirable habits. This video describes about the contribution of Euclid in mathematics.
Historical knowledge of mathematics helps to imbibe the significance of mathematics ideas and gives a new perspective to research and teaching. This historical approach in teaching is an asset for attainment of objectives of both learning and teaching. This video deals about the contribution of Pythagoras in mathematics.
The study and knowledge of the history of mathematics can promote the right perspective in understanding mathematical concepts and ideas which form the basis for mathematics learning. A lesson introduced according to the history of mathematics with suitable pictorial and blackboard illustrations will be instructive and interesting. This module describes about the contribution of Gauss in mathematics.
Leonard Paul Euler
Knowledge of history mathematics will enable a teacher to introduce a topic effectively. Anecdotes mentioned occasionally bring out healthy changes in the monotony of classroom work. Historical background of mathematics will enable the teacher to present it as a dynamic and progressive subject with full of human interest. This video describes about the contribution of Leonard Paul Euler in mathematics.