Road to MOOCs
Road to MOOCs
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are free online courses available for anyone to enroll. MOOCs provide an affordable and flexible way to learn new skills, advance your career and deliver quality educational experiences at scale. This presentation video, explains the different MOOCs platforms and their pedagogical practices.
UGC MOOCs - A Vertical of SWAYAM
UGC MOOCs - A Vertical of SWAYAM
Click link to open resource.
University Grants Commission (Online Courses or Programmes) Regulations, 2018
University Grants Commission (Online Courses or Programmes) Regulations, 2018
Click link to open resource.
MOOCs - SWAYAM Guidelines
MOOCs - SWAYAM Guidelines
Click link to open resource.
MOOCs - SWAYAM Proposal Model
MOOCs - SWAYAM Proposal Model
Click link to open resource.