Methods of Teaching
Inductive Method
A mathematics teacher has a variety of methods and techniques available for use in teaching mathematics. Some methods are more appropriate for teaching students as a group whereas some techniques are specially designed for individualized instruction. These methods are discussed in detail in this module. Particularly this module deals about the inductive method of teaching mathematics.
Deductive Method
In this module deals the concept of deductive method. Actually in this method, begin with the formula, or rules or generalization and apply it to a particular case.
Analytical Method
In this module deals the concept of analytic method. This method is particularly useful for solving problems in arithmetic, algebra, geometry and trigonometry. In this module consist of introduction, examples, merits and demerits of analytical method.
Synthetic Method
In this video deals the concept of synthetic method. This method is best suited for the final presentation of proofs of theorems and solution to problems in a logical and systematic manner. However, it is advisable to adopt synthetic method following analytic method.
Heuristic Method
In this video deals the concept of heuristic method. This method is in which the students discovers facts and information, relationships and principles for himself. It is a method based on the principle of learning by doing. In this module method, students are trained to collect data, interpret data and arrive at solutions by rejecting superfluous statements.
Laboratory Method
The way students learn physical and biological sciences through experiments and practical carried out in the science laboratories, abstract mathematical concepts can be easily learned and understood through practical work and experiments in mathematical laboratories. In this module deals the concept of laboratory method. This module method is best suited for teaching mathematics at lower classes.
Problem Solving Method
Problem solving presupposes the existence of a problem in the teaching-learning situation. A problem is an obstruction of some sort to the attainment of an objective, a sort of difficulty which does not enable the individual to reach a goal easily. In this video deals the concept of problem solving method. Problem solving method is to stimulate the reflective and creative thinking of the students.
Project Method
In project method, teaching and learning are considered from the child's point of view and in this method knowledge and skill are learn by pupils through practical handling of problem in their natural setting. This module method is an ideal way of promoting creativity, arousing curiosity and inculcating the spirit of enquiry among the students. However, in this method teaching is more or less incidental.